Refer your patient to Dr Sharwood

Dr Sharwood accepts referrals via:

  • Medical Objects

  • Oculo

  • Password Protected email

  • Fax

  • Hard copy to patient

Dr Sharwood does her best to accommodate emergency and urgent referrals.

For emergency (same or following day) consultations referrers or their staff should contact our booking team on (07) 3062 2380 to request an emergency booking.

Urgent (within 2 weeks) referrals should be marked URGENT and submitted via the regular electronic referral channels and we will contact the patient to book them in.

If Dr Sharwood or Queensland Ophthalmic Specialists is unavailable then patients should present to the Emergency Department of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (adult patients) or Queensland Children’s Hospital (paediatric patients) for assessment by the on call ophthalmology team.