Preparing for Surgery

Dr Sharwood and her team will discuss any specific pre-operative requirements you need to undertake prior to your procedure when your surgery is booked.

Fasting prior to anaesthetic

Fasting times are 6 hours prior to surgery for food and 2 hours prior to surgery for water.  This is for procedures under general anaesthetic and twilight sedation.

As a general rule, patients scheduled on a morning list will fast from midnight the night prior and patients scheduled on an afternoon list will fast from 7am. 

Surgery in young children is scheduled as early as possible in the morning to avoid undue distress from prolonged fasting

Patients are requested to take their usual medications (excluding diabetic/blood thinning) on the morning of surgery.  This can be done with a sip of water.

Blood Thinners

All blood thinning medication can be safely continued during cataract surgery. For other procedure types Dr Sharwood will discuss whether these are to be ceased at your appointment prior to surgery.  She may liaise with your GP/other treating specialists to make a decision.

Diabetic Medications

Your  Anaesthetist will be in touch to advise how these will be modified/ceased.  Dr Sharwood works with experienced anaesthetists at Wesley Anesthesia and Pain managementThey can be contacted on 07 3377 0500 or

Anxiety Prior to Surgery

If you are concerned that you or your child is likely to suffer significant anxiety prior to your procedure please let us know so that the anaesthetist and hospital provide assistance to minimise this on the day.

How do I best support my child during their eye surgery?

Prior to their surgery a simple positive explanation of what is happening is usually best eg “you are going into hospital for a few hours to have a sleep and have your eyes fixed. At the hospital you will meet lots of nurses and doctors who will take care of you. Your eyes may be a bit sore and blurry when you wake up but we will be there for you and soon you will be much better”.

One parent will be able to accompany your child into theatre until they are asleep and then join them in recovery when they start to wake up.